Monday, January 19, 2009

A Post That's Not About Football...'re welcome.

Instead, I would like to address the savage beating my DVR has been taking recently. There is literally no rest for the weary. Here is my schedule, as well as some hard-hitting and spot on commentary on each:

9:00 - FOX - 24
After the 'remember us? Yeah, you know, from way back in 2006? Don't forget about us! We're still here!' 2 hour 'bridge' wherein we see Jack Bauer living in Africa, atoning for his sins, I wasn't too sure where this season was heading. But last week's 2 day, 4 hour premiere, I am reminded why this show is just so awesome. Things that also rock: hot redheaded, freckle-faced FBI agents. They give the rest of us a good name.

8:00 - FOX - American Idol
I have not yet had the chance to watch last week's season premiere(s), but from what I've heard, new judge Kara DiSomething is pretty awesome. I'm also fairly happy that, this year, they've cut down on the horrible auditioners (a la William Hung) to focus on more promising talent. This could be a horrible tease, however, as it might just break your heart that your favorite doesn't have what it takes to even crack the top 24. I just might continue my tradition of not watching until the top 12 are announced.

9:00 - FOX - Fringe
J.J. Abrams' latest venture into Sci-Fi has me undeniably hooked. After 2008's "fall finale" I sat on my couch for a good five minutes, slack-jawed (and probably drooling) wondering WTF had just happened. In true Abrams form, finales like that require you to forget everything you thought you knew, and go back and watch all the previous episodes looking for what you might have missed. Oh, and Pacey -- er, Josh Jackson isn't bad either. Now, if only I could get my hair as shiny as Anna Torv's.

9:00 and 9:30 - ABC - Scrubs
No, that is not a typo. After 6 years with the Peacock, ABC picked up the last season of Scrubs, and NBC is now crying into their money-stuffed pillows. From what I hear, this season won't be as funny as is par for this show, but it's all in an attempt to bring closure to the overall picture. The couple of episodes I've seen have been quite good, though the jury is still out on my feelings for new Chief of Medicine Courtney Cox Arquette.

8:00 - FOX - American Idol
Please see above.

9:00 - ABC - LOST
Wednesday's season premiere is actually being called the "Premiere Event." Event, indeed. The THREE HOUR premiere kicks off at 8:00 with a recap show that will undoubtedly only scratch the surface of the last 4 years of LOST. My parents are flying in to San Diego from Boston that night, and I told them they'll have to find their own way to my house. Should have planned better!

9:00 - NBC - The Office
Still one of the best sitcoms on TV. Steve Carrell -- love him. John Krasinski -- would leave my husband and marry him. I'll be interested to see in the coming weeks how the Andy-Angela-Dwight triangle plays out, and there had better be some upcoming nuptials for Jam!

9:00 - ABC - Grey's Anatomy
My faith in this show is dwindling, so something needs to happen to get it back on track. I can only deal with sex-with-dead-Denny for so long. And if reports are true about T.R. Knight wanting to leave, I totally don't blame him. We've seen more of newcomer Melissa George's Intern Sadie than we have of George recently. And I am totally not diggin' on Sadie. Give me more of Christina and Owen, Bailey, Callie, and Mark/Lexie and less of Mer-Der, the interns, and the Alex-Izzie-Denny crap. Because for reals, this shiz wouldn't fly at the #1 teaching hospital. No wonder it's no. 12.

10:00 - SciFi Network- StarBattles for Galaxy Somethingorother
Don't really know, don't really care to find out. All I know is that some other SciFi fantasy show watched by my geeky-yet-hottie husband is taking up space on my DVR.

And there you have it folks. And to think, SYTYCD hasn't even started yet! Where in the world will I fit it in?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My DVR is on massive overload too.
On Thursday night alone, I have Ugly Betty, The Office, Greys Anatomy, and Private Practice. And I have something every other night of the week now that LOST is back! And when Heroes comes back, I honestly think the DVR might explode. I may have to get TIVO and have them tape separate things.