Friday, February 29, 2008


Dear God,

Thank you.



Monday, February 25, 2008

Will Work for Football

Though I'm not quite ready to talk about what happened on that fateful night a few weeks ago, I'm already starting to feel its void in my life. My Sundays just aren't the same. I do, in fact, feel an actual pull to ESPN on Sunday mornings, and am dismayed that instead of seeing Jimmy, and Boomer, and all those other tools in fancy suits, there's bowling or something else equally boring on. How many more months until the preseason? :(

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Maybe It's Me...

...but stuff like this doesn't endear her to me in any way. I've never been the biggest Hilary fan as it was, but this just makes her seem like the little girl who got her pigtails pulled on the playground and went and told the teacher. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Seperate from my LOST blog, which, by rights, does not delve into anything other than topical posts on the TV show, I have started this blog to purge my thoughts on other subjects. (Although, admittedly, thoughts that have nothing to do with LOST are few and far between.)

With that said, I don't claim to be a member of the Democratic party, nor of the Republican party. If forced to choose, however, you will find that I have more conservative tendencies. If you are looking for heated debate from a liberal perspective, I suggest you go here. If you read that, and find you disagree with what he says, you will most likely find that this guy does, too. Then, finally if you wish to read running commentary about the Gilmore Girls, go here. (Shameless plugging of friends' blogs: check.)

I don't usually wax on all things political, philosophical, vegetable, animal, and mineral (stupid song's stuck in my head now), and you will probably find that I will contradict myself on a number of occassions. No need to point it out, I'm more than well aware of it. I'm Catholic, but not a very good one. I'm a parent. I consider myself educated. I'm Irish, and have the temper to prove it. I married a Marine, who is currently deployed in Iraq, and I hate it when people say they support the troops, but not the war, since supporting one requires support of the other. I (sometimes unwillingly) am a resident of the State of California, and I find it hilarious to say that The Terminator is my governor. With that said, it paves the way to my reason this morning for blogging...

Berkeley, California is a disgrace to the human race.

Now, I understand that this war the military is fighting (because let's face it, we are not a country at war, we are a country whose military is at war, and to dispute that fact is just plain ignorant.) has dragged on for quite some time, and believe me when I say I wouldn't be the happiest woman on the planet if the war was over and my husband could come back home. But that is just not possible. To pull an entire military out of an as-yet-unstable and unsecured location would be to negate every good thing for which they have worked. Granted, however, you don't see the good stuff on televsion, and you don't read about the good stuff in the newspaper. But good stuff is happening, and we are making progress. Citizens of Berkeley, though, make every good thing that has happened over there all for not.

Now, please don't get me wrong. My husband, my friends, and their fellow marines are fighting for our rights every day. And those rights include free speech and the right to assemble. But, if you are going to take a stand for something, if you are going to buck tradition, if you are going to cause a commotion, you better be prepared for the repurcussions. It seems that Berkeley, however, has bitten off a bit more than it can chew. When the City Council announced that marine recruiters were not welcome in the city, and that if they chose to stay there, it would be as "unwelcome and uninvited" guests, they had to know that they were starting a maelstrom of ill will from military supporters. In a Wednesday night meeting, however, the spineless City Council members rescinded their vote, proving to the world that when it comes to money, your principles don't really matter. So here's to you, Berkeley, and here's to you, Cindy Sheehan, and finally, especially, here's to you, members of Westboro Baptist Church, because we will still fight for you, abhorrent human beings though you are. I look forward to watching you in the afterlife, sucking scum from hell's fiery pools of acid, while the men and women you disrespect, denegrate, and deride for performing their civic duties are exalted, honored, and can, finally, rest in peace.

And to you, my husband, my friends and fellow Americans, thank you. I love you, and I am so very proud of you.