Monday, March 3, 2008

The Best $10 I Ever Spent (This Weekend)

One of the best birthday gifts I ever received came from an ex-boyfriend. (Sorry, Ian! You showing up unexpectedly in Manch was top-notch, however.) For my 19th birthday, this guy took me to see the Goo Goo Dolls at The Tabernacle in Atlanta. For those of you unfamiliar with the venue, The Tabernacle was formerly an old church, hence the name, and is a smaller space, so to go to a show there means that you are within striking distance of whomever is performing.

Prior to the show, I had obviously heard of the Goo Goo Dolls and could even sing a few of their songs. After seeing that show, though, I was hooked and they became My Most Favoritest Band. I immediately had their album Gutterflower downloaded, and also picked up Let Love In when it became available. This weekend, while pushing a screaming child through the aisles of Target, my eye caught sight of this:

On sale. For $9.99. Love it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Andrew bought me that for Christmas!!!

I cannot listen to a single song off Dizzy Up The Girl without instantly being transported to freshman year at Saint A's. That is ALL I listened to.