Friday, July 24, 2009

It's Not Because You're Black

Open letters to President Obama and Henry Louis Gates.

Dear Professor Gates,

It's not because you're black. It's because you're a belligerent old man who was refusing to cooperate. The fact that you think you're above being arrested makes YOU, sir, the racist, in my opinion. This is not, as you yourself put it, about the "vulnerability of black men in America." This is about your thinking that, because you're black, you're above the law. And THAT, Mr. Obama, not the actions of the CPD, is what I consider to be "act[ing] stupidly."

And on that note...

Dear Mr. Obama,

Typically, when a sentence starts with "I don't know all the facts," it is finished with "SO I CAN'T COMMENT." Hope you're taking notes. By admitting that you knew nothing about what was happening and coupling that with the admission that you "might be a little biased" (a LITTLE?! Ya think?!) since Gates is "a friend," you flagrantly pointed out to America that those with connections can avoid the long arm of the law. Or you know, at the very least, claim racism and create a huge stink about nothing. But just so you know, where I come from, talkin' about someone's mama--well, those are just fightin' words.



Unknown said...

I think at this point, he would agree that everyone would have been better served by "I don't have all the facts so I can't comment".

Unknown said...

Obama acted as stupidly as Gates did.

Not that it makes what he said any better, but at least he apologized and admitted he was wrong. Still waiting for that from Gates.