Friday, July 24, 2009

A Freebie

Since I have been called out in a public forum for my lack of updating, I offer this olive branch. Not one, but TWO POSTS IN ONE DAY.

OK, so maybe I'm starting to show my age, or maybe I'm just a stick-in-the-mud, but I don't find that viral marketing piece about the wedding entrance humorous AT ALL. You know the one, you've seen it, you've seen the wedding party dance down the aisle to "Forever." Here's my thing:

It's not appropriate. Dancing into a reception, sure. Heck, even dancing to the limo parked OUTSIDE the church, fine. But this is CHURCH, people. I'm pretty sure God's not the biggest fan of abusive rappers. Show some class, that's all I'm asking.


Ma said...

I have to agree- as much as I liked the video, my first thought was why didn't they do this at the reception? In fact, it would have been pretty cool if you and your wedding party had done this!

Andrew said...

I have to disagree with your point of view. First off, I double checked with a quick search on Google, and the Bible makes no reference to the appropriate type of entrance to a wedding. Though this may not be traditional, it doesn't appear to break any rules (though it seems to offend your sensibilities). Secondly, after watching the video several times, I've noticed that none of the dancing appears to be inappropriate. Sure, the song may be by a questionable individual, but the song it self isn't inappropriate either.
Lastly, I think we should keep in mind that this is a joyous occasion, and these people seem to be celebrating. To quote Psalm 118:24 "This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad".

Aren't you happy you're blogging again?

Unknown said...

I have to disagree. I thought it was hysterical. I'll admit I had no idea it was a Chris Brown song (yeah, that probably brings out my lameness... oh well). That was probably not the best choice.

How many times in our lives do we have to watch the bridal party walk nicely down the aisle to Pachabel's Canon? I'm not knocking it, after all my own bridal party walked into it. But I enjoy a little variety too.

Lots of wedding parties do crazy things as they walk into the reception, but how many of them do it at the ceremony? And the ceremony is the celebration of two people - maybe more ceremonies should incorporate creativity and individuality of the bride and groom.

And yes, my wedding (which I thoroughly enjoyed) was extremely cookie cutter. I'm not saying traditional isn't nice, I'm just saying I liked the way their wedding was very non-traditional.

Lois said...

Oh man Bree, I LOVED the wedding entrance dance video. I laughed so hard. Would I do it at my wedding? No. But do I think it's great if it works for them? Sure. I don't think God really minds them having a good time on their wedding day :-) Not the question is...did they put as much time into prepping for actually BEING MARRIED as they did into planning their wedding intro?