Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Random thoughts

  • My son likes bbq sauce. I took him to McDonald's yesterday, and he proceeded to dip his fries in the bbq sauce, and lick it off. When that wasn't efficient enough, he decided to eliminate the middleman, and drink the sauce directly from the container.
  • Also in reference to my son's eating habits--Although there is absolutely no question that he is my son, given his redheaded, pale-skinned attributes, at least I know that he is also Ian's son by the fact that he'll eat 4 bowls of cereal in one sitting.
  • The last point about my son's eating habits--I think he was dreaming about applesauce right before he woke up. He waddled into my room all disheveled, and said "appasauce." When I said, "What? You want some applesauce?" He looked at me like I was stupid, and said "Yeah." He was as happy as a clam when I fetched it for him, though.
  • So they say, what, you'll have 7 years of bad luck if a black cat crosses your path? (Or is that for breaking a mirror?) Well, what happens if the black cat that was crossing your path didn't get to finish his crossing before his untimely demise at the hands (wheels?) of your vehicle? I SWEAR I DIDN'T DO IT ON PURPOSE!
  • Dear Mr. Bicycler, don't glare at me as you swerve to avoid hitting my car. It was YOU, after all, who crossed the street on a Don't Walk signal and who was riding on the wrong side of the street in the wrong direction. Just because your vehicle doesn't run on gasoline means you don't have to follow the rules of traffic that the rest of us have to.
  • Dear Mr. Driver of Beat-up Honda Civic, was it really necessary to flip me the bird as I passed you on the left? Just be glad I didn't pass you on the right.
  • My husband recently recommend that I visit my local haberdashery.


Unknown said...

you killed a cat! cat killer! Katie once killed a bunny and I thought she was going to need therapy to get over it. Every once in a while it's fun to bring it up again :)

Cincinnatus said...

You killed a cat? I wouldn't worry about it. They're worth 20 points.