Monday, August 25, 2008

Pompous Caboodle-Hole

(Title derived from a funny Scrubs episode.)

I will tend to do exactly the opposite of whatever Michael Moore proposes. If he told me to go to the bathroom, I would hold it. This would have been a good idea had Mr. Moore not suggested it. And here he goes again with thinking that he's God's gift to politics, this time promoting nation-wide illiteracy.  Please, Mr. Moore, don't tell me how to spend my time, otherwise, it just might be spent thinking of different ways to call you an arrogant SOB. 

In other news, I'll soon be posting in exquisite detail just what, exactly, I've been up to recently. I know you're on the edge of your seat, squirm-ily dancing in anticipation. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

okay I had a dream last night, and I don't remember any details about it, except the phrase "pompous Caboodle-Hole" was used over and over again. I blame this on the fact that I scroll down just far enough on your blog to see if you've updated. So I see that phrase a lot. Please, for the sake of my crazy dreams, update this blog.